Monday, August 1, 2016

Improve Logical Thinking Meditation Without Activate Chakras

To activate logical thinking, you don’t need to activate chakras. Chakras is for activating energy centers in body and if you want to activate chakra to improve your logical thinking then you need to activate crown chakra which is not easy to activate. To activate crown chakra, you have to activate other 6 chakras so forget that things. Here I am giving you simple technics which will improve your logical thinking.
First of all, meditation means doing nothing. Follow below things.
  1. sit at quiet place
  2. close your eyes
  3. focus on your breath
  4. relax your body
  5. start focusing your thoughts
  6. let go all your thoughts and remove it from your mind so now you are not thinking any thing
  7. If still thoughts come to your mind, focus on your breathing
Do above steps 15 mins a day and see changes in your thinking levels. It will improve your logical thinking ability.

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